Service Information
Description Of Service
A service provided to government agencies, the business sector and individuals to audit the structural site on some structural elements before the start of the concrete pouring process, and the elements that are audited (ordinary concrete for foundations, reinforced bases, ground bridges, roofs, bridges connecting the fence, piling axes before and after, after the completion of the installation of signs at each stage.
Customer Types
Federal Government Entity
Service Required Documents
Required Documents
Before starting work (Certificate of Receipt of Signs (1)), At the stage of ordinary concrete (soil test + certificate of receipt of marks (2)), At the bases stage (concrete mix test + iron test + certificate of receipt of marks (3), At the stage of the ground bridges (test of the cubes of the bases + certificate of receipt of the signs (4), في مرحلة السقف الاول (اختبار المكعبات للجسور الأرضية + اختبار المكعبات للأعمدة), In the recurring ceiling stage (cube test for the first ceiling + cube test for columns), The stage of the bridges linking the fence (testing the cubes for the second roof + certificate of receipt of the signs (fixing the borders of the final fence)
Before starting work (Certificate of Receipt of Signs (1)), At the stage of ordinary concrete (soil test + certificate of receipt of marks (2)), At the bases stage (concrete mix test + iron test + certificate of receipt of marks (3), At the stage of the ground bridges (test of the cubes of the bases + certificate of receipt of the signs (4), في مرحلة السقف الاول (اختبار المكعبات للجسور الأرضية + اختبار المكعبات للأعمدة), In the recurring ceiling stage (cube test for the first ceiling + cube test for columns), The stage of the bridges linking the fence (testing the cubes for the second roof + certificate of receipt of the signs (fixing the borders of the final fence)
Local Government Entity
Before starting work (Certificate of Receipt of Signs (1)), At the stage of ordinary concrete (soil test + certificate of receipt of marks (2)), At the bases stage (concrete mix test + iron test + certificate of receipt of marks (3), At the stage of the ground bridges (test of the cubes of the bases + certificate of receipt of the signs (4), في مرحلة السقف الاول (اختبار المكعبات للجسور الأرضية + اختبار المكعبات للأعمدة), In the recurring ceiling stage (cube test for the first ceiling + cube test for columns), The stage of the bridges linking the fence (testing the cubes for the second roof + certificate of receipt of the signs (fixing the borders of the final fence)
Federal Government Entity
Before starting work (Certificate of Receipt of Signs (1)), At the stage of ordinary concrete (soil test + certificate of receipt of marks (2)), At the bases stage (concrete mix test + iron test + certificate of receipt of marks (3), At the stage of the ground bridges (test of the cubes of the bases + certificate of receipt of the signs (4), في مرحلة السقف الاول (اختبار المكعبات للجسور الأرضية + اختبار المكعبات للأعمدة), In the recurring ceiling stage (cube test for the first ceiling + cube test for columns), The stage of the bridges linking the fence (testing the cubes for the second roof + certificate of receipt of the signs (fixing the borders of the final fence)
Terms Of Service
The consultant and contractor must be present on the site
• Site readiness for handover.
• Documents required for each element must be available.
• The necessary tests must be carried out for each element.
Support Documents
Time For Completing Service
working days
Output Delivery
Attendance in Person;Email
Service Center Name
Customer Service hall - Engineering Dept (Nasseriya)
Available Service Centre
Service Contact No